Thursday, April 23, 2020
12 PM - 1 PM
Ask a Professional
Nadine Spencer
Nadine is the CEO of BrandEQ Group Inc., a global marketing and communications agency made up of top-level creative professionals from around the world, specializing in meeting clients’ marketing, communications, and PR goals.
An experienced communications professional with a visionary gift for articulating key messages, Nadine has an extensive track record in engagement strategies. Through a stellar history of business experience and strategic partnerships, she has redefined every leadership position that she has held, while simultaneously playing a major philanthropic role across various communities.
As President of the BBPA, and as a professional in marketing and communications, Nadine is suited to answer your questions about PR to enhance your Black business in its marketing ventures. She will be answering questions on Thursday, April 23, 2020 between 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. on Zoom. Click below to Register and have your questions answered.